Tesis Engineering manufactures custom-designed lifting platforms for specific application requirements and for different areas of industrial use.
The basic range of scissor lift tables, in addition to being customizable in terms of load capacities and dimensions, can be configured with a vast series of options and implemented with several functions that allow Tesis Engineering to offer the most suitable solution for specific industrial handling requirements, such as:
To facilitate operators’ access to loads, to position or to transfer the load from / to other machines, Tesis Engineering's lift tables can be configured with a series of top platform movements that allow the positioning of the load according to the specific work requirements:
To speed up and simplify the transfer of loads to and from the loading platform, for integration with other material handling equipment, or to facilitate the repositioning of items on the platform, Tesis Engineering’s lift tables can be configurated with conveyor systems mounted on or built-in the loading platform:
Tesis Engineering’s tilting lift tables with forks allow operators to pick-up / deposit loads from floor level and to position them at the optimum height and angle of inclination, making it easier to reach items and facilitating their work activities.
The tipping top table up to 90° angle when fully loaded, the fixed or adjustable forks on the hinged side of the platform and the independent control of the lift / tilt movements, make their use particularly suitable for assembly, packaging and positioning on pallet of bulky loads.
Tesis Engineering’s powered traverse mobile lift tables are ideal for all those handling applications which require, in addition to the vertical movement, also displacing of the load or transfer between different positions in the work area.
They are equipped with a powered transfer car integrated into the base and they can be configured for frontal or side traverse, along free paths or rail-guided.
All Tesis Engineering’s lift tables - fixed, mobiles or self-propelled, can be designed with a V-cradle top or with a custom-shaped platform, suitable to accommodate loads with particular shapes.
The shaped platform top can be combined with other lift table configurations such as turntable, tilting or shifting top, or integrations with roller, ball, etc. transfer systems.
Tesis Engineering Srl
Tel. +39 039 9180485
E-mail: info@tesis-engineering.com
Commercial headquarters:
Via Ceppo, 4
23807 Merate (LC) Italia