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If you are looking for a lifting platform, a tipper or an industrial lifting & handling system suited to your needs, on this page you can view some configurations that we have implemented for different use requirements and for particular applications.
Customized lift tables designed for machine feeding and work positioning in processing lines.
Fixed & mobile lift tables, Tilting, Rotating, Sliding or Conveyor platform tops, Stainless steel lift tables.
Systems for tilting, positioning and load turning, designed for the handling various types of industrial loads.
Tilters, Tippers, Upenders, Tilt Tables & Platforms, Upenders for coils & rolls, Pallet positioners.
Systems for special industrial handling requirements & automation, handling of coils & rolls, bars & sheets.
Special lifting platforms, Industrial lifting & handling systems, Coil transfer cars.
Lifting systems for workers operating at heights, for truck loading & for loading docks, for warehouses.
Truck loading lift tables, Dock lifts, Worker elevating platforms & carousel lifts, Goods lifts.
Tesis Engineering Srl
Tel. +39 039 9180485
E-mail: info@tesis-engineering.com
Commercial headquarters:
Via Ceppo, 4
23807 Merate (LC) Italia